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Diabetes is a potentially serious metabolic disease impacting many systemic regions of the body. Researchers have found a significant correlation between diabetes and oral health.

TeTeeth Gums and Diabetes

Grandma suffering with a tooth pain

The bloodstreams of individuals with diabetes contain exceedingly high concentrations of sugar. This event precipitates several potentially detrimental occurrences including:

White Blood Cell Damage

High blood sugar concentrations are known to damage white blood cells. These systemic components play a crucial role in the microbe-elimination process.

Therefore, diabetics stand at greater risk of developing dental infections and other opportunistic microbes that might travel into the oral cavity from other bodily regions.

Gum Disease

Persons with diabetes are more likely to develop gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. Naturally, a diminished white blood cell count can spark these issues.

However, diabetes has also been known to cause the thickening of blood vessel walls. Such events impede the expedited elimination of waste products, and restrict nutrient influx into the mouth. This unfortunate pairing of negative events increases a diabetic’s susceptibility to gum disease.

Dry Mouth

Diabetes often reduces the normal production and secretion of saliva. This liquid substance is pertinent to proper food digestion and nutrient absorption.

Moreover, saliva keeps the mouth and oral components like the teeth and gums moist. This moisture eradicates lingering pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. Ergo, a continually dry mouth leaves stricken subjects more inclined to contract oral infections.

Slow Healing

Cuts, abrasions, and other injuries heal slower in diabetics. Therefore, sores or other oral lesions typically linger in said individuals.


Thrush is a fungal pathogen thriving on the exorbitant sugar levels found in a diabetic’s saliva. If left untreated, the ailment can evoke symptoms like a burning mouth and painful gums.

Safeguards Diabetics Can Employ

Having established the relationship between diabetes and oral health, optimal dental hygiene is even greater in diabetics. Luckily, such subjects may be able to prevent associated dental problems by adhering to oral care maintenance tips including:

Brushing Regularly

Dental care providers implore diabetics to brush at least twice per day. Moreover, said individuals are encouraged to use a toothpaste containing the tooth-friendly element called fluoride.


Those diagnosed with diabetes are also urged to floss at least once per day. This procedure helps loosen hard to remove food particles accumulating at or beneath the gum line.

Consume a Healthy Diet

Fortunately, most diabetics cannot ingest even moderate quantities of the tooth-damaging substance known as sugar. That said, their diets should be rife with oral health-boosting items like fruits and vegetables.

Remain Hydrated

Increased water intake is necessary to prevent dry mouth. Additionally, water is crucial to optimal digestion.

Avoid Vices Like Excessive Alcohol Intake and Smoking

Alcohol and cigarettes contain chemicals notorious for harming the teeth and gums. Therefore, such habits should be ceased of significantly curtailed.

Obtain Routine Professional Care

Diabetics should obtain professional care at least twice per year. Furthermore, said subjects are strongly urged to inform oral care providers of their condition. Doing so will inspire their dentists to display extra vigilance when performing examinations and other procedures.

Properly Control the Condition

Arguably, the greatest step a diabetic can take to prevent associated dental ailments is to properly monitor and control the illness.

Contacting Us

The experienced, professional oral care providers employed at Midway Family and Cosmetic Dentistry are fully aware of the connection between the teeth gums and diabetes. We have treated numerous patients with the disorder and place added emphasis on ensuring said individuals receive extra care.

Reach Out to Us Today to Be Seen by Our Dental Professionals