Patient Education
April is oral health month, and although we should all prioritize our health beyond this month, taking the time to think about ways to improve…
Brushing your teeth regularly is the foundation of great oral health. Brushing regularly helps reduce the changes of cavities, plaque buildup,…
At Midway Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we see numerous patients every week who have tooth decay, gum problems, sensitive teeth, enamel damage,…
Dentistry is becoming progressively better as computers allow for 3D mapping of patients’ mouths and newer materials become available for…
At Midway Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we realize how oral health can impact your overall health and quality of life. This is why we highly…
If your third set of molars haven’t come in yet, you must be very young. These late-blooming teeth will often come in when you’re in your…
It’s possible that sinus inflammation or an infection can lead to a toothache, especially in your upper back teeth. The reason these teeth are…
It’s common knowledge that regular dental checkups are critical to maintaining good oral health. These checkups can detect early signs of gum…
More Americans are trying to live a healthier lifestyle and for many, that means cutting back on sweets and foods high in unhealthy fats and…
A lot of parents want to know whether fluoride is safe for toddlers. For years, the American Dental Association recommended that parents wait…